Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chicken is Not Bread

When I saw KFC's new chicken sandwich, I was almost without words. Almost.

This sandwich, the Double Down, is a sandwich with two kinds of cheese and bacon. But that's not the problem. The buns are pieces of deep-fried chicken!

KFC reps say the sandwich has 600 calories and 31 grams of fat, but Matt Goulding, author of the best-selling book, "Eat This, Not That: The Best and Worst Foods in America," said independent labs are reporting the sandwich has 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat. I guess it's great for people who are doing the Atkins Diet, but there is no other reason why people should be eating a sandwich where the buns are pieces of chicken.

The sandwich is being tested in Providence, Rhode Island and Omaha, Nebraska. It sells for $6.99.

To me, KFC has become the restaurant that will sell anything. Remember when they offered that bowl that has everything in it that's on the KFC menu - chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, cheese? Gross. Well, it's no longer on their menu and hopefully, the double down won't be on KFC's menu for much longer either.